To evoke desire in potential applicants to get to know the university better. To inspire them to visit the university’s Open Day. And ultimately to have them file an application. All of these were the objectives of the new campaign for the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague (VŠCHT).


The collaboration with VŠCHT had begun two years prior by formulating a marketing strategy. The campaign was therefore built on solid marketing foundations which became apparent during the creative process as well as through the final result. For the best outcome possible, we approached the creative process through several phases which helped to create a long-term communication concept instead of a one-off campaign as initially assigned.

Our approach

With chemistry being the foundation of VŠCHT Praha, the students have rich possibilities in terms of expertise and consequent choice of employment. The studies evolve around the endless desire to explore and discover. As a result, we opted to market the University more broadly and more attractively for all the potential applicants. We targeted naturally curious young high schoolers of age 15 and more. We drew inspiration from the favorite Netflix series and the fact that chemistry is the fundamental essence of existence on Earth.


Super Things. The great moments you get to experience not only during the studies, but also long after. We successfully audience-tested the creative form with a number of VŠCHT students and professors. The campaign consists of brand as well as activation communication. The former serves to create brand awareness among the younger high schoolers and to evoke desire to study chemistry. The latter is then aimed at the students in the last year of their high school education to visit the university’s Open Day and ultimately to fill out the university application.

We managed to attract more people for the Open Day and received more student applications in comparison to the previous years.

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