Local brand campaign with a limited production budget aiming to increase brand awareness among younger audience and to build association between Panzani and music.

Reached 0 thousand users
at 0,00 CZK per reach.
Reached 0 thousand users
at 0,00 CZK per reach.
Reached 0 thousand users
at 0,0 CZK per reach.

Why Kapitán Demo?

We were after a combination of several factors.

Our influencer needed to have sufficient awareness and following on their own. Their persona needed to be in line with the tone of the campaign – Bohemian (rebellious, unconventional), apolitical and without any controversial strains on their reputation.

Lastly, due to the intended format of the campaign – split screen – their official video clip needed to fit certain technical and visual conditions.

We follow suit in a popular social media trend which visually combines two unrelated spots.

Each part of the screen fulfills a different goal.


Kouzlo by Kapitán Demo attracts eyeballs to something familiar. At the same time, the viewers see it in combination with something new, something unexpected – the Panzani brand. As a result, we successfully incorporate one of the most effective ways to attract and keep attention – the combination of familiarity and novelty.


The strong Panzani branding in the lower part of the video refreshes the brand in viewers’ minds and creates new associations with the brand.