Vytěžte s námi ze svých sociálních médií maximum. Dejte sbohem spekulacím, my půjdeme na dřeň. Nastavíme cíle vaší značky a postaráme se, aby rostla. Na Facebooku, Instagramu, LinkedInu nebo Youtube. Máme v tom roky praxe.
Jak to uděláme?
Nejprve navrhneme plán, jak proměnit sociální média v nástroj k dosažení marketingových cílů. Pak je začleníme do mediamixu tak, aby fungovala v souladu s ostatními komunikačními kanály. Potřebujeme vědět, pro koho tvoříme a jaký obsah je zajímá. Proto zjistíme, kdo jsou vaši zákazníci. Nakonec připravíme možnosti cílení a určíme metriky pro vyhodnocování výsledků.
Co umíme?

Strategie pro
sociální média

Příprava obsahu
pro sociální média


s influencery
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The cloud accounting software Evala, launched at the beginning of March, has chosen us as partners for its long-term digital communication. We kicked off the collaboration with the creative concept “But in Evala”.

An illustrated character named Evala, created by the client’s own team, serves as a unique brand element and guides both the commercial and other communications.
The concept used in the brand commercial and on social media is based on hyperbolized situations from the lives of traditional accountants who work in outdated ways. In contrast, it highlights the advantages of the modern Evala software, such as digitalized accounting, advanced automation, convenient remote work, and other benefits

We aren’t afraid to joke about accountants who still work with paper invoices, manually transcribe documents, or have to go to the office because of their on-premise software. In contrast to these situations, we always show how Evala enables handling these tasks digitally, automatically, intuitively, and conveniently.

The Making Of
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A glass bottle with mineral water is a symbol of dining in Horeka, but at home people mainly use PET bottles. Let’s have a stylish dining experience at home and serve a beautiful and elegant bottle of Mattoni on the table, from which friends, family and yourself will be happy to pour.

No matter how skilled a chef you are, a glass bottle of Mattoni elevates your home dining experience to the ambiance of a fine dining restaurant.
Key message: Drink Mattoni and enjoy stylish and healthy dining at home and in restaurants.

The solution
We follow a friends’ dinner that appears to be in a restaurant, but at the conclusion, we realize it’s actually a home event.

Photo shoot
Making of

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Capture pasta, build brand fasta. We created stop-motion video content for the UK Vapiano with global use on social networks.

The task was to create a global creative video concept for social media for the brand’s individual content pillars. These videos will be used across all 25 countries where Vapiano operates.

What were we dealing with?
Creative concept for video content creation.
In-house production during full operation at Vapiano restaurant.
Cost efficiency of the project.

How did we handle it? By building mental availability through Category Entry Points. It was important to work with diverse and interesting types of people to support the brand’s diversity, playfulness, and friendliness.

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Create a global brand concept to introduce Daytrip to the American audience? Yes, we can! Produce a video spot that creatively stands up to the US? Yes! Prepare a media strategy as well? Sure! And plan and buy media in the US. No problem!
of the target group likes the campaign
of the audience is motivated to book Daytrip on their future trips
of the target group evaluates Daytrip positively

Daytrip is a transport service that brings together verified car drivers from all over the world. It provides reliable and comfortable door-to-door transport and guarantees a hassle-free travel experience. Our challenge was to create a global brand concept and introduce the brand to the American audience traveling worldwide.
The campaign ran in the US during the summer holiday season. The main part was digital – mainly via branded online video formats. Additionally, static formats were also used on social media and in online lifestyle magazines. OOH media was placed in strategic locations in select cities and airports in the state of California. Radio spots were also chosen in California to increase the reach of the target audience, who are constantly on the move.

What else did we do as part of the campaign?
➾ Production selection / Direction.
➾ Selection of US media agency.
➾ Selection of OOH surfaces + print + radio in California.
➾ Execution of digital campaigns.
➾ Creative for online + offline.

“Daytrip has become a confident global brand over the years and its professional drivers from almost all over the world who provide a perfect service to our customers are a big part of that. In the campaign, we connect their friendly faces with the key product benefits important to the American customer, and this also allowed us to communicate the primary essence of the brand.” says Grizzlink’s creative director Iva Janigová.
“We found a great partner in the director Jirka Horensky and the production team behind him, Boogie Films, with whom we were on the same page from the treatment to the finalization of the spot. Thanks to their smart approach to the assignment, they proved that it is possible to produce world-class output even in local and time-constrained conditions,” says Jana Mišáková from Grizzlink, and continues. In cooperation with a Californian media house, we have not only prepared the media strategy, but we are also carrying out the actual purchase of the media space.”

„This is our first brand campaign of this scale. Until now, we have focused mainly on coverage in countries attractive to creditworthy customers, whom we have reached through performance tools. But now we realise the need for brand building, which led us to this brand campaign,” said Markéta Bláhová, co-founder and COO of Daytrip. She adds: “The brand promise is ‘We turn transfer into a convenient and carefree experience’ and our mission is to convey this to customers at the same level anywhere in the world.”
Thank You 🙂
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Loono: Preventivka
Preventivka is the second campaign we were happy to work on with Loono. It focused on the launch of an app which aims to educate the public in taking care of their health and show that with the Preventivka app, it can’t get any easier.

During the preparation of the campaign and the development of the app, we acted as a consultant. We prepared ideas and comments on the naming of the project or the overall communication concept.
In thinking about the creative concept, we set a tone that had to be avoided – scaremongering and alarmism. Despite the heavy subject matter, we wanted to work with positivity and neutrality.
The result is the concept called “Alive, thanks to prevention”. The idea of the platform is presented through the stories of individual Loono ambassadors who have overcome any disease thanks to prevention. We chose to work with photographer Lukáš Dvořák to shoot their individual portraits.

The campaign ran on Facebook, Instagram and out-of-home public space.

users used Preventivka during the first months
of them have undergone a preventive medical examination thanks to the app
of them detected a disease early thanks to the app
lives were saved thanks to prevention
Thank You 🐻
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Cambridge University Press & Assessment
The objective was to increase awareness of Cambridge English’s language certificates. One product with three different use cases – three different target audiences. With successfully obtained Cambridge English’s language certificate…
you are exempted from the English final exam,if you are finishing high school.

you get bonus points added to your application, if you are a university applicant.

it is a nice way to enhance your CV, if you are a university graduate.

Despite Cambridge University Press & Assessment never being on TikTok before (in Central-East Europe), we knew this was the right channel to reach our desired audience in students of 15-17 years old.
That’s how it came to be that Grizzlink launched Cambridge English’s first TikTok campaign in Central and Eastern Europe.
Having such different use cases required three different messages under the same creative concept.

Despite Cambridge University Press & Assessment never being on TikTok before (in Central-East Europe), we knew this was the right channel to reach our desired audience in students of 15-17 years old.
That’s how it came to be that Grizzlink launched Cambridge English’s first TikTok campaign in Central and Eastern Europe.
Having such different use cases required three different messages under the same creative concept.

The decision to go on TikTok heavily influenced the creative process. We didn’t want to create another ad that would be swiped up the second a viewer finds out it’s an ad.
We wanted to offer exactly what people on TikTok are looking for.
The decision to go on TikTok heavily influenced the creative process. We didn’t want to create another ad that would be swiped up the second a viewer finds out it’s an ad.
We wanted to offer exactly what people on TikTok are looking for.
At the same time, we sure as hell wanted to avoid getting trapped in silly TikTok trends which mostly end up being lame and awkward when used by… brands.
Inspired by the likes (both literally and figuratively) of Adrian Bliss or Andrew Rousso we decided to go with a low-budget and (pretendedly) low-effort sketch.
See for yourself.
As you can see, to fulfill our vision we needed to go a bit rogue. Admittedly, maybe a little bit off-brand.
But to relate to the target audience on TikTok you need to spice your 100-year old brand up a little bit.
As you can see, to fulfill our vision we needed to go a bit rogue. Admittedly, maybe a little bit off-brand.
But to relate to the target audience on TikTok you need to spice your 100-year old brand up a little bit.

7,000 website traffic
The digital part of the campaign brought over 7,000 users to the website.
~ 500,000 cummulative reach
The campaign reached cumulatively up to ~ 500,000 users. It also caused a dramatic increase of organic search traffic on the terms Cambridge Exams and others such as cambridge, cambridge certificate, cae certificate and others.
The campaign also generated a lot of positive engagement in terms of likes (over 23 000), comments (over 120) and shares (over 100).
The results are very well above benchmarks especially in user behaviour, with users showing a willingness to leave platforms/apps to get additional information on the website.

TikTok high-performing ads
On top of that, two out of three also came at the top of the ranking in TikTok’s high-performing auction ads in the Education category.
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Loono: Healthy inside
Dobré nitro (Healthy inside) is a project brought to life pro bono for a Czech non-profit organisation Loono. Its goal is to destigmatize mental illnesses and to educate the public on how to prevent them.
Grizzlink’s paw-writing is evident throughout the entire project – from the communication concept through naming, logotype and key visuals to recommendations for setting up the online campaigns.


Healthy inside
Based on the objectives of the project, research on mental health and long internal discussions, the name Dobré nitro (Healthy inside) has been established. It works well within a broad range of communication activities, evokes caring for the soul and shows positive outcomes of self-care.
The logotype of the project is a symbol of a cloud. It is a metaphor for the state of the mind, inner world and thoughts. Its design is in line with Loono’s visual style and interconnects all the campaign visuals.
During the second phase of the campaign, Grizzlink came up with consequential visuals for online and out-of-home communication.
In their design, we followed up on the original concept which started off the whole project. We aimed for highlighting the most common mental illnesses in a cheerful manner. That’s why we choose a set of riddles which help arouse curiosity and thoughtfulness regarding the issues of mental illnesses.

The campaign took place on Facebook, Instagram and Instagram Stories. The combination of various visuals, formats and campaign optimization techniques delivered particularly good results.

On top of that, we collaborated with UMPRUM (Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague) on recreating the key visual live. They designed an installation art of the campaign’s cloud and placed it in the window of the mamacoffee store in Vodickova street in Prague.

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Local brand campaign with a limited production budget aiming to increase brand awareness among younger audience and to build association between Panzani and music.

thousand users
CZK per reach.
thousand users
CZK per reach.
thousand users
CZK per reach.

Why Captain Demo?
We were looking for a combination of several factors.
It was necessary to select only artists with sufficient recognition. Their persona should also be in line with the tone of the campaign – bohemian, apolitical, and without a controversial past.
The last condition was the visual compatibility of their music video with our planned format – split screen.
We follow suit in a popular social media trend which visually combines two unrelated spots.
Each part of the screen fulfills a different goal.
Kouzlo by Kapitán Demo attracts eyeballs to something familiar. At the same time, the viewers see it in combination with something new, something unexpected – the Panzani brand. As a result, we successfully incorporate one of the most effective ways to attract and keep attention – the combination of familiarity and novelty.
The strong Panzani branding in the lower part of the video refreshes the brand in viewers’ minds and creates new associations with the brand.

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Not only new name and visual identity, but also fresh offering of TV programs, loyalty programs and new services were all elements of the rebranding campaign.

Leads within the first 3 months
Spontaneous brand awareness after the campaign
Prompted brand awareness
Ad recall
In 2019 the provider of pay-TV DIGI TV will soon be left without a license to use its name on the Czech market. At the same time a complex refresh of its product and services is on the horizon. A brand refresh is therefore imperative taking into account that dual branding was not an option. As a result, rebranding must be swift and intensive.

Telly positioning is built on simplicity and fairness.
One of the primary objectives was to map the situation on the market because the current market data was not available. Firstly, a qualitative research was conducted to build the brand strategy on solid foundations. The positioning statement was based on three aspects – competitors, market’s expectations and company’s abilities.

In 2019 the provider of pay-TV DIGI TV will soon be left without a license to use its name on the Czech market. At the same time a complex refresh of its product and services is on the horizon. A brand refresh is therefore imperative taking into account that dual branding was not an option. As a result, rebranding must be swift and intensive. The main objective of the campaign was clear – to convey the message that DIGI TV is now being transformed to Telly. The creative concept has borrowed a couple of elements from the previous communication in order to seamlessly communicate that Telly is DIGI TV’s successor and that it brings lots of new and better perks. It was apparent from the segmentation that different product perks are important to different customer segments – someone prefers advanced control functions while someone likes a wide range of TV programs.
Throughout the TV spot and out-of-home ads, we liken Telly to a family member.
The campaign idea is to liken Telly to just another member of the family. He/she is always here for you and thanks to the wide range of TV programs it will always please everyone’s preferences. This message was conveyed through a TV spot and out-of-home. In the subsequent shorter spots we develop this message and show the interactions with different members of the family – this way we introduce all the key benefits relevant to different customer segments. In the activation part of the campaign we personalize this message.

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Český výrobce mléčných produktů
‚‚S týmem agentury Grizzlink dlouhodobě spolupracujeme v rámci příprav produktových kampaní (např. Selský jogurt, Balance, Pan Bůůů) a baví nás to. Vždy se postarají o kompletní zpracování od návrhu komunikačního konceptu přes kampaňovou strategii až po zajištění produkce v podobě natáčení TV spotů, grafiky, textace a následné exekuce. Každá kampaň dokáže jak trefně vystihnout produkt, tak zacílit na správné zákazníky. Víme, že se na Grizzlink můžeme spolehnout.‘‘

A well-known Czech brand of pet food and supplies Akinu decided to enter a segment with pet dry food with a brand new product VITALITY. While the target group is aware of the market trends and wants only the best for their pets, they have little time to educate themselves on the theory of nutrition and they are unwilling to spend money on expensive products.

The situation analysis for the campaign consisted of a quantitative market research investigating the experiences of 300 respondents. Among the main results was the fact that despite Akinu having been on the market for 27 years, only 2.5% of the category buyers had a spontaneous awareness of the brand. The direct competitors were recognized by 6% and 22% of the category buyers. The prompted brand awareness for Akinu was at 32%. The research also made it clear that pet food and supplies on the Czech market are mostly impulsive purchases.

“It was quite a nut to crack to fit in all the important facts within the 10 seconds in a way that the target audience would remember it.”
Jiří Jakl

The goal of the campaign was primarily to support the product launch and also to increase the brand awareness of Akinu within the target group.
VITALITY is made of fresh ingredients only. Thanks to the fine smell and ingredients, it can be easily mistaken for fresh meat. We use this benefit to hyperbolically compare the product to fresh prey.
Pet food VITALITY is intended for dogs and cats and contains a high proportion of meat. The communication is therefore based on naturality in the form of fresh prey. The media mix consists of sponsorship advertising, online video, performance marketing, out-of-home ads, but also of the pet food fair 4pets which is crucial for the brand.
“While thinking about the new campaign for VITALITY, we knew beyond doubt how crucial an opening campaign for the new brand is. The product launch, including the entire communication, though went as seamlessly as it gets.”
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VŠCHT Prague: Super Things
To evoke desire in potential applicants to get to know the university better. To inspire them to visit the university’s Open Day. And ultimately to have them file an application. All of these were the objectives of the new campaign for the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague (VŠCHT).
The collaboration with VŠCHT had begun two years prior by formulating a marketing strategy. The campaign was therefore built on solid marketing foundations which became apparent during the creative process as well as through the final result. For the best outcome possible, we approached the creative process through several phases which helped to create a long-term communication concept instead of a one-off campaign as initially assigned.

Our approach
With chemistry being the foundation of VŠCHT Praha, the students have rich possibilities in terms of expertise and consequent choice of employment. The studies evolve around the endless desire to explore and discover. As a result, we opted to market the University more broadly and more attractively for all the potential applicants. We targeted naturally curious young high schoolers of age 15 and more. We drew inspiration from the favorite Netflix series and the fact that chemistry is the fundamental essence of existence on Earth.

Super Things. The great moments you get to experience not only during the studies, but also long after. We successfully audience-tested the creative form with a number of VŠCHT students and professors. The campaign consists of brand as well as activation communication. The former serves to create brand awareness among the younger high schoolers and to evoke desire to study chemistry. The latter is then aimed at the students in the last year of their high school education to visit the university’s Open Day and ultimately to fill out the university application.

We managed to attract more people for the Open Day and received more student applications in comparison to the previous years.

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Značka sušenek a oplatek
‚‚Původně jsme hledali pouze někoho, kdo nám vytvoří jednorázovou kampaňovou strategii. Kvalita odvedené práce agentury Grizzlink nás však natolik potěšila, že jsme se rozhodli spolupráci rozšířit a přenést ji také do roviny kontinuální správy našeho profilu na sociálních sítí. Na Grizzlinku oceňujeme orientaci na dlouhodobý růst našich výnosů, plnění cílů, úsilí stavět vždy na pevných základech. Jejich systém práce se značkou je důkladně propracovaný. Začíná detailní analýzou značky, pokračuje definicí cílové skupiny, až vyústí v jasnou strategii, jak a čím cílovou skupinu zaujmout. Tím se Grizzlink liší od ostatních a tím nás i přesvědčil.‘‘

Czech Philharmonic
The Czech Philharmonic is the most significant symphony orchestra in the Czech Republic. Grizzlink designed a campaign to support a performance called Open Air concert 2018 taking place in Prague. The goal was to sell out the event.

Given the rather relaxed form of the live performance, we decided to give the campaign a similar feeling. The creative form sees the orchestra members wearing a fairly unexpected wardrobe at the venue of the concert – Hradcany square. The goal was to communicate the accessibility of classical music and at the same time to inform that no formal dress code is required at the concert.
Thanks to Facebook’s ability to target people with particular interests, we identified promoted Facebook events to be the most effective option.

We reached 330 thousand users with 30 thousand of which engaging with the Facebook event. Thanks to the campaign, the Open Air performance saw a significant increase of visitors in comparison to the previous years.

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CPI Property Group: Happiness days
The population has just undergone weeks of restrictions, isolation and fear. The shopping malls under the brand of CPI PG reopen their doors across the whole Czech republic and the objective is to communicate these events. Given the unpredictable developments in terms of government regulations, the campaign must be ready within 10 days.

Campaigns for 10 malls within 10 days
Acumulation of the reach for all the shopping malls (not the overall unique reach)
Click throughs

Campaign objective was to ease the visitors’ concerns linked to the pandemic situation.

The most insightful part of the research came from splitting the customers based on the shopping mission. Given the current situation the most prominent missions involved the bargain itself rather than window shopping and spending time in the shopping centre with family or friends.
The research has been split into three consecutive phases. The first one included a qualitative survey with the exploratory aim to map and prepare attributes relevant for customer segmentation. This part took place in the form of three focus groups of eight respondents in each. The outcome was the definition of each shopping mission which were consequently verified in the quantitative parts of the research. These firstly consisted of online surveys on the robust sample size of 10,000 respondents with the goal of identifying the footfall and popularity of each shopping mall. The last part of the research included a detailed description of the buying process on the sample of 1,500 visitors of the shopping malls.
A crucial element of the creative outcome was to ease the visitors’ concerns regarding their safety given the pandemic situation. The main communication themes therefore involved safety while shopping, customer care and discount offers.

In the pre-launch phase digital media were used to inform the customers about the planned reopening. In the following post-launch phase, a diverse media mix including out-of-home ads was planned. At this point, the campaign focused on achieving the broadest reach within the relevant customer segment in such a manner that the info is seamlessly conveyed about the reopenings, visitors’ safety and campaigns of each store.
“The stores outside of shopping malls had a certain lead thanks to the government regulations so we needed to let the customer know real quick that we are back, we are safe to visit and that the stores prepared a number of discounts.”
Michal Kratochvíl
Marketing manager for CPI Property Group shopping malls.

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Premium Financial Services
Premium Financial Services is a provider of financial services. The objective was to support the recruitment process of new employees and help the growth of the company. Finally, Premium Financial Services was to be perceived as an innovator in the financial advisory sector.

PFS moves the industry forward beyond regular advisory services thanks to its innovative business systems. Thanks to this innovation, not only can PFS’s advisors work easier, the company also differentiates itself from the competitors which are usually not as innovative.
At the same time, though, we had to deal with the fact that the financial advisory sector has a fairly bad reputation, be it on its own or through the people working in the field. The sector carries a burden of past media cases and personal experience of a large part of the society with advisors without education motivated only by the amount of their commission. But the situation is taking a turn for the better and the professionalism of the advisors helps the whole industry. PFS is miles ahead and we need to express that in the communication.

We want to be provocative and controversial
We communicate r/evolutional approach and product. We parody the sector of financial advisory and set ourselves against it. We draw inspiration from the Space Odyssey. The creative output shows the progress and innovation, and we subtly suggest that next to PFS’s know-how, any other approach seems obsolete.

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vbloku is a project under one of the most prominent property developers in the Czech Republic – PSN. Grizzlink’s task was to design a campaign to support the sales of new housing using purely digital media. The target audience consisted of young people, parents or grandparents as well as students.

We started off with a proper research into the target group in order to effectively introduce housing units offered, generate leads and support sales. Thanks to the research, we analysed both primary and secondary target group’s specifics and how to target them. Sequently, we proceeded to designing the creative concept. Here we worked with the pros of owning a house in general, but we also specifically introduced the advantages of vbloku. vbloku offers their residents a wide range of activities and ways to enjoy life in the community. The campaign was designed in a way that the immediate performance was the key.

The campaign reached 65 thousand users. We targeted those based on their interests; we worked with lookalike audiences from the retargeting audiences and whenever someone visited the website, we reminded them of vbloku via retargeting. Ultimately, we secured enough leads for the future sell out of the project.

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Costa Coffee
Kavárenský řetězec
‚‚S agenturou Grizzlink jsme se poprvé potkali při tvorbě produktové kampaně pro nadcházející letní sezónu. Kreativní tým pro nás vytvořil klíčové vizuály, vymyslel názvy novým nápojům v limitované edici, postaral se o offline i online propagační aktivity. Spolupráce se dotkla také našich sociálních médií, pro které nám Grizzlink připravil kampaňové příspěvky. Po důkladné analýze přišel také s novou strategií, díky níž se nám podařilo oslovit doposud nepodchycenou, avšak velmi relevantní cílovou skupinu. Je nám potěšením s tímto týmem pracovat.”

Obchod s vybavením pro bojové sporty
‚‚Růst e-shopu jsme dlouho stavěli na výkonnostním marketingu. Tento přístup se nám však po čase přestal vyplácet a přestože jsme jedničkou na trhu, tržby začaly stagnovat. Agentuře Grizzlink se podařilo náš business znovu nastartovat. Tým Grizzlinku nám sestavil smysluplnou marketingovou strategii s ohledem na naše cíle i trh. Pomohl nám jasněji nadefinovat potřeby klientů napříč segmenty. Strategii promítl do brandové komunikace na sociálních médiích a vzal si pod svá křídla i výkonnostní marketing. Díky Grizzlinku zase rosteme.‘‘

Český výrobce tradičního staroslovanského dortu
‚‚S týmem agentury Grizzlink spolupracujeme už dlouho a stále nás to baví. Líbí se nám důslednost i odhodlání, s nimiž jde Grizzlink do každého projektu. Agentura nám spravuje sociální média, stará se o naši brandovou komunikaci a radí nám v otázkách marketingové strategie. Jsme rádi, že máme oporu v tak kvalitním obchodním partnerovi.‘‘

Developerská společnost
‚‚Značka PSN zůstávala doposud upozaděna ve prospěch našich jednotlivých developerských projektů. S příchodem agentury Grizzlink jsme si začali uvědomovat, že je třeba zapracovat také na samotném PSN. Grizzlink nás nesmírně potěšil svým precizním přístupem. Výsledky jejich výzkumu nám prozradily, jak se doopravdy chovají naši zákazníci na sociálních médiích a jak k nim máme přistupovat, aby naše facebookové kampaně přinášely skutečné výnosy. Ujasnili jsme si, na jaké cíle se zaměřit, koho se snažit oslovit a hlavně jak. Současně jsme začali budovat správné asociace s naší společností. Nyní se nám agentura kompletně stará o sociální média a těšíme se na rozšíření spolupráce.‘‘

Business Lease
The collaboration with Business Lease started with a continuous marketing communication for the Autopooperaku.cz brand. The objective here was to increase the sales volume and to improve brand awareness.

Connection of quantitative research and data collection from publicly available sources.
The research was conducted in two phases. At first, a quantitative research on a predefined target group took place – people who have bought or are planning on buying a used car. This criteria was combined with quotas regarding gender, age and region.
The objective of the research was to investigate the awareness of the competitors, verify main motivators and barriers for the purchase, and define the target group and its preferences with regard to the buying process. Next, we aimed to identify the price groups for the purchase of a used car. On top of that, we tried to investigate the key factors that enter the purchasing process. All these insights were researched on the sample size of 409 respondents.
These outcomes were later supplemented by the information collected from publicly available sources.
One of the insights coming from the research is the fact that the main barrier for purchasing a used car is distrust in the seller which is strongly related to the seller‘s brand. The customers are well aware that they can’t estimate the car’s health. Hence they will rather see someone who is trusted either by them or by someone they know.

For customers, the Business Lease brand is the symbol of certainty and trust on the market of used cars. That is because their cars are certified with the mileage guarantee and from the first owner.
Given the insights from the research, the objective of the campaign was to break the barrier regarding distrust in used-cars sellers. The communication is therefore focused strongly on the racional arguments and product rather than emotions. Furthermore, due to the fairly small brand awareness, an unambiguous communication is imperative. Every single piece of the marketing outcome needs to have a clear link to the segment of used car and the Business Lease brand. In the bottom of the marketing funnel, it needs to be apparent that these used to be leased cars. At the same time, the communication here is strongly product-oriented – first-owner car, service history and mileage guarantee.
It pays off to be second.
You won’t be able to tell a difference between a new and a used car. Autopooperaku.cz offers only certified cars from the first owner for a good price.
For the largest reach possible within the available budget radio advertising was chosen. Another selected channel was a continuous paid PR across many months in the relevant print magazines. The goal here was to support the brand awareness and shift the readers’ preference towards operative leasing in favor of Autopooperaku.cz.

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Satelitní a internetová TV, poskytovatel internetu
‚‚Agentura Grizzlink pro nás připravuje kreativní koncepty kampaní a komunikaci pro sociální sítě zaměřenou na budování značky. Pro sociální média nám Grizzlink vytvořil také strategii, díky níž jsme si ujasnili, kdo jsou naši zákazníci, jaké máme cíle a jaké metriky má smysl sledovat. Pomáhá nám také s rozvojem dalších komunikačních kanálů.‘‘
Co spolu vymyslíme?
Ať už řešíte marketing z pohledu strategie, hledáte agenturu pro péči o sociální média, vypisujete výběrko nebo chcete jen kvalitní analýzu, jste u nás na správné adrese. Napište nám! Rádi s vámi vše probereme. Nebo můžete zavolat přímo Jiřímu na 737 028 904.
5 situations when influencers do not completely suck
5 situations when influencers do not completely suck We always approach marketing trends with a skeptical eye and a triple measure, and influencer marketing is no exception. While some cannot imagine a future for brands without influencers, both live and virtual, we keep our enthusiasm in check. With a healthy dose of skepticism, we have summarized situations where influencers can truly bring business success. Yes, eventually, we found a few. Does this apply to you? Read on! When does it make sense for a brand to collaborate with influencers? Let’s get straight to it. Here are five situations when...
Why 90 % of brands fail on social media
Why 90 % of brands fail on social media We will break basic copywriting rules and tell you the answer right in the first sentence: 90 % of brands fail in brand building on social media because they focus on engagement, rely on organic reach, and do not have nor use brand elements. Ultimately, they do not stand a chance of reaching a larger part of their target audience and creating a memorable message. Classic plot twist: we know how to do it right and effectively. In this article, we reveal a large part of our social media brand building...
Mental availability as a path to market share growth
Mental availability as a path to market share growth The more situations in which customers use your product, the more paths to higher revenues and a larger market share open up for your brand. The desired outcome, where customers remember your brand in a specific purchasing situation, is called mental availability. It is no coincidence that the biggest and most successful companies have a very wide portfolio of purchasing situations closely linked to their brand. Take Coca-Cola, for example. Customers are likely to remember it in situations when they want to refresh themselves on a hot day, when buying non-alcoholic...